Kiss The Sun!

Amy Syed
4 min readApr 8, 2022

5 ideas to change your outdoors from drab to fab

After a long dreary winter, spring starts for me when the first blade of grass pokes its head through the sleeping earth. I don't wait for the groundhog day to welcome boomtime, and the minute I feel spring is in the air, I spring into action.

As an outdoorsy gal, North American winters don't agree with my passion for staying outdoors 24/7. As soon as the freezing clock thaws back from c..c.cold to maah cold, so does my brain fog lifts, letting in ideas to turn my outdoor space into a summer haven.

Whether you live in a mansion with a sweeping lawn on acres or a studio apartment with a one-span balcony or a window sill, you can enjoy sun, fun, and laughter more in a well-organized, lush environment. An unkempt outer space would pull down your spirits and reduce your house value.


Add zest to your life by stepping outside into your personal retreat by following 5 ideas.

1. Ready, Set, Clean…

Beauty begins with cleanliness!

No matter how big your backyard is, dirt, debris, weeds, broken furniture, dried-out plants, and unnecessary clutter will fade out the true potential of your space.

Startup with a good wash with a power hose, or in the case of a balcony, give it a good sweep and a mop. Mow the grass, pull out the weeds, trim the hedges and plants.

Get rid of any junk lying around. If there is a pool, pond, birdbath, or fountain, get it cleaned as water bodies are a breeding ground for insects.

2. Paint the town…

A fresh coat of paint can breathe freshness into any space, spot, or object. Instead of buying new planters or chipped furniture, a coat of paint is a budget-friendly option. Your local hardware like Rona, Lowes, or Amazon has some brilliant paint solutions.

3. Green Thumbs

If it were up to me, I would tuck in a plant in every nook and cranny of my house. My family is tired of my bringing in a fresh plant every other day or rescuing one from a friend.

Our green friends bring life to dead space, whether home or a doctor's office. Show them some love in exchange for positive vibes, a cleaner atmosphere, and pleasant surroundings.

Places like Terra, local farmers' markets, and neighborhood Gardners sell indoor and outdoor plants. As plants don't come cheap nowadays, think about planting some seeds and letting the miracle grow into a flourishing piece of nature.

Although greenery is the heart of outdoor(and indoor) decor, you need to be mindful of its maintenance, pruning, outgrowth, and clutter.

Unkempt or unhealthy plants look unwelcoming and are a breeding place for insects and pests.

4. Garlands of festive

Another way to amp up your outdoor area for a lovely barbeque evening or a chit-chat with family n friends is to bring in the festive feel with the right kind of lighting.

Appropriate lighting serves the dual purpose of brightening up a space for better vision and security and bringing in happy energy.

There are hundreds of options, from street lamp posts to fairy lights, from lower price points to steeper ones. Online stores like Amazon and Wayfair, resale stores, garage sales, and big buck stores have a wide selection of outdoor lights.


www.decorunits .com

To bring in your personalized touch, add accessories to your outdoor space with the choice of furniture, rugs, umbrellas, cushions, lamps, and fountains.

You can pick out the most expensive patio set or repaint your old one for comfortable seating. Adding cushions, a nifty rug, wall hangings, and lawn ornaments can lift your outer living area.

Adorn your poolside area with lots of potted plants, poolside chairs, and pool decorations if you are a lucky swimming pool owner.

In my case, I bought a colossal birdbath, filled it with water, added a sprinkler to it, and voila, I got myself a DIY fountain to enjoy!

So mates, by implementing these 5 ideas of turning your outdoor space into a space for good times and company.



Amy Syed

A teacher, freelancer and women’s rights activist…